Business Development at Land & Wave: Owen Senior

Every single person that works for Land & Wave helps to shape what we do and how we do it.


Land & Wave People – Owen Senior – Business Development

An adventure is always better when you have brilliant people to share it with.

Land & Wave people are wonderful human beings, our little company wouldn’t be half as much fun without them.

Every single person that works for Land & Wave helps to shape what we do and how we do it.

Owen Senior, Head of Business Development at Land & Wave standing in a Dorset Field wearing a wet suit and harness, whilst carrying a helmet.

Owen Senior – Business Development  

Owen is a full time ‘Jack of all trades’ he works in the office figuring out our Business Development, how to create new bigger, better, adventures and how to shout about them; occasionally he’s allowed out of the office to jump in the sea or play in the woods.

Owen lives in Swanage, has two Labradors, drives a Pick Up Truck and has a mighty beard.

Owen has been working for Land & Wave for 8 years. He is old now.

Owen Senior the Facts and Figures

Special skill: Being so calm and patient absolutely all of the time

Hair: 1/10 (He hasn’t got any)

Beard: 8/10 (Solid)

Arts and Crafts: 1/10 Owen can’t draw, paint or knit. His hands are too big and clumsy

Favourite food: Meat

Favourite place to be: Anywhere lots of people aren’t

Looks great in: Tweed

Owen Senior at Land & Wave

Owen is part of the furniture at Land & Wave, he makes himself useful despite being so old and tired.

Owen drinks a completely normal and average amount of coffee, his coffee consumption is sometimes exaggerated by people to explain his extraordinary productivity

Owen is quite fat, he is the only person at Land & Wave that wears a XXL uniform T- Shirt.

What Owen says

Favourite thing about working for Land & Wave: People – everyone is kind and considerate most of the time.

Favourite thing: Food, People, Quiet

Why don’t I shave my beard off: Why don’t you go shave your face off?

What on earth will I be doing in 5 years: Growing tomatoes

Love Land & Wave People!

An adventure is always better when you have brilliant people to share it with

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