How to Become an Outdoor Pursuits Instructor

How can you start a career in Adventure and Outdoor Education?


Working in the great outdoors is incredible. The adventure industry is full of great people who love what they do. 

Are you considering a career in adventure?

  • Love the great outdoors?
  • Love working with human beings?
  • Want a career that is inspiring and fulfilling?
  • Want a lifestyle that will make you happy and healthy?

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There are three pathways to work as an Outdoor Instructor 

  1. Seasonal Outdoor Work
  2. Study at University
  3. Outdoor Instructor Training

We’ve looked at the options available and have condensed some information below, fingers crossed it’ll help a few people find their way.

Seasonal Outdoor Work 

Lots of people start out as seasonal outdoor staff, working in outdoor centres during the summer. The pay is low and the hours are long but this kind of work can be good fun.

It can be dispiriting living in shared room and earning very little for years but the variety of work and some great locations can make up for it.

Perfect for: A gap year, having a good time, working with kids

Not so great: You wont get many qualifications or professional development after year one. You wont earn very much money. This route into the industry can be very time consuming.


Study at University

There are some great courses in the UK. However, it’s worth considering that even the best courses offer very few national governing body (NGB) qualifications. Most university courses will cost £9000 a year, the average student debt in the UK is £50,800.

The theoretical aspects of the industry are covered in detail, this can lead to an in-depth knowledge of lots of theory.

Perfect for: A route into teaching, to experience student life.

Not so great: Most people are just starting out on their career in the outdoors when they finish university. More training will be needed. 

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Outdoor Instructor Training

Outdoor Instructor Training offers a direct route into the industry. It’s the only way to fast track your way through some of the most important qualifications and get started as an Outdoor Instructor.

Total course fees range from £4000 – £12000 for courses lasting 8 – 16 weeks.

Perfect for: Anyone who wants to move straight into work after a course. A cost effective way of getting lots of outdoor qualifications. A life changing experience.

Not so great: Full time training is hard work – it needs commitment and tenacity.


Land & Wave Outdoor Instructor Training

The Land & Wave Accelerated Instructor Training course runs for 15 weeks and costs £8120.

If you choose any kind of training course it’s essential that you know you’re getting value for money. 

What do your tuition fees actually pay for? What do you get for your money? What qualifications will you actually leave with?


There’s a reason that Outdoor Instructor Training is popular. We offer a great range of qualifications, very high quality training, an incredible location and great value.

Land & Wave trains Outdoor Instructors in Dorset and the UK.

32 Trainees | 16 Coaches | 15 weeks

Alex Sea Kayak

10 February 2014 by TheBox

Working as an Outdoor Instructor is meaningful, fulfilling and is the basis of a lifestyle that can keep you happy and healthy.

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