Introducing: Rich Purvis

Rich is another trooper joining our seasonal staff


Rich is another trooper joining our seasonal staff from our Accelerated Instructor Training course over the Winter. Rich joined are AIT course after he finished his apprenticeship and wanted to get some real NGB qualifications. He lives a secret life as a celebrity – check out his interview skills HERE. Best of luck to Rich for the summer season – he is living with 3 girls in one of our seasonal houses! As you will see below, Rich hasn’t learnt many words yet as he is still young but by the end of the season we hope to have taught him some more 😉

Why do you love working in the outdoors?

Indoors is boring

Whats your favourite bit of outdoor kit?

Wetsuit – it makes the sea warm in the Winter

What’s your next adventure?

Go to Scotland 

Rich on a rock
A spot of deer butchery
Mucking in
Hungry Rich
Who’s a nice boy?
Some Fire Lighting

08 April 2014 by TheBox

Indoors is boring

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